The Writer’s Natural Muse

Tapping into Creativity with Crystals, Oils, and Meditation You might be wondering why we are talking about natural support, like crystals and essential oils, on a writing blog, well, the answer is simple – we use them and they work! Any pearls of wisdom we can...

4 Ways to Develop Structure in your Nonfiction Writing

With the help of a cartographer, an artist, a theorist, and a magician  Structure – the order, organisation and connections between parts of text – has an important role in your reader’s journey and heightens their understanding and enjoyment of your...

Stress to Success: Can Journaling Improve Men’s Wellbeing?

Guest Blog by Henry Flemming-Smith a student from Leeds Trinity University. As a child, my journalling, consisted of plants stuck in annotated pages with tape and in-depth critiques of my favourite wrestlers. My grandad, an artist, kept an immaculate journal full of...

Writing: It’s not for people like me…

People like me can’t be writers… This is the story I told myself for many years. I can remember when I was six years old being asked to writer a story at school. I loved everything about it and rushed home and asked my mum if I could please borrow her...