Introducing Booksmith Academy

Introducing Booksmith Academy! We will be opening our doors to you in October!

A few months ago now, a seed of an idea was planted in our heads by our friend Lisa Williams. She couldn’t understand why we weren’t working together and suggested we start an online academy to support people in writing a book. As soon as the idea was suggested to us we knew it felt right. After all, Jen has worked in publishing as a copywriter, proofreader and editor for over 25 years. She has all the skills you could possibly need to help you craft your bestseller.

Whether you need help structuring your book, working out what your writing style is or knowing the tricks to make editing and proofreading easier, Jen has all the answers. She is also a total grammar geek and has an enviable attention to detail, so she is definitely someone you want in your corner as you write your book.

Kate, on the other hand, is the emotional support department of Booksmith Academy. As a former teacher Kate, has always loved writing and supporting people on their writing journey. In addition to her love of writing she is a journal therapy expert and has a wealth of experience in the wellbeing arena.

Writing can be a lonely occupation. What’s more, you are often pouring your heart out onto the page, or writing about things you are passionate about. It can be an emotionally challenging journey at times, but we are here to support you every step of the way.  

Between us we’ll take you all the way from concept to creation stress free. 

If you are one of the 81% of people who want to write a book, and want to be sure you are part of the 3% of people who actually finish their book, then you need Booksmith Academy. Make sure you sign up for our priority mailing list and be the first to find out when we open our enrolment.

Kate and Jen working

Introducing Booksmith Academy social media

You can also follow us on all the major social media sites, particularly Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and LinkedIn. Just search for Booksmith Academy and you will find us.

We are so excited to be working together and you will really get a feel for our personalities and whether you would enjoy working with us if you start getting to know us online now. I think it’s fair to say that we are very serious and organised when it comes to work but we have a lot of laughs along the way too.


The process

Kate and Jen have spent months gathering all the information they feel it is important to include in their course, and they have carefully constructed two parallel curriculums to ensure that you have all the tools you need to start writing your book, or to polish a book you have already started crafting. They are playing to their strengths with Jen taking the lead on all things technical while Kate ensures you care for your physical and emotional needs during the 12 months we spend together. 

Jen and Kate writing
Kate and Jen on the beach

Better together

We have a natural talent for working together, playing to each other’s talents (winding each other up!) and reading each other’s minds, after all, we have been doing it for 45 years now! Yes, in case you hadn’t already guessed it, Kate and Jen are sisters. The writing gene is strong in our family. Our mum was a language teacher, our Dad is a keen diarist and Kate’s daughter is currently studying creative writing at university. 

Getting to the point where we are introducing Booksmith Academy has been a joy for us, as not only are we both doing something we love and spending even more time together, but we also get to work together and create something truly magical. 

If you are wondering why we chose the name, well, we may be Kate Beddow and Jen Moore now, but these little girls were Katherine and Jennifer Smith. With Smith being the name historically given to makers, becoming Booksmiths just fit. Plus, it gives us lots of scope for word play, which we won’t be able to resist!

Make sure you are kept in the loop

If Booksmith Academy sounds like it’ll be right up your street – perhaps you love hammering out an idea on paper (there’s one of those puns we warned you about!), or perhaps you know that you have a book in you but just don’t know where to start – we are here to help you. Make sure you join our newsletter and follow us on social media and you will find out all the details as we approach our launch in October.