One year on, but it feels like yesterday…
Almost exactly a year ago we launched our very first intake of The BOOK FORGE, our non-fiction writing programme. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that we were scared. We had only had the idea for creating a business together six months before and we had managed to create a whole twelve month programme, set up social media accounts, build a website with a members area, everything we needed to run our new programme in just a few short months.
We knew that we had the skills to help budding writers take their idea from concept to completion, but as a new company with no “social proof” would anyone believe us?
We put ourselves out there and crossed our fingers.
By the middle of October we had our first intake. A group of inspirational women, from very different backgrounds, from every corner of the globe, with very different writing plans. They had two things in common: a passion for writing and a belief in us.
This is what Sue had to say about our programme:
“I had been apart of Kate wellness writing group and when she said she was setting up the Book Forge with her sister Jen, I began to think more seriously about the inner nudge I had. Maybe, writing a book one day, could actually be a reality.
I took the plunge and decided to join the Book Forge. It has been an amazing journey over the last few months, not an easy one for me, but certainly a journey full of friendship and guidance. Their expert knowledge in both the technical aspects of writing a book, and also being able to maintain a healthy well-being, in the process. Both Kate and Jen, have been there for me in my endless debate in how my book should develop. Their ongoing support and guidance have helped me gain clarity. Jen’s insights to the technical world of writing have been invaluable in my structuring of ideas and content. Kate’s understanding of journalling for health, her wealth of knowledge in writing wellbeing has helped enormously in my writing life, from self care and practical suggestions. I may not be ready to set my book or books in the world (as now I’ve more ideas) but The Book Forge has given me confidence to move forward. The comraderie of other members has been invaluable as we walk the path together, and the monthly content made the progress manageable. I would recommend this course to anyone looking for guidance in their development of a non fiction book.”

Sue Higgins
I am a poet, writer, artist and creative who has a passion for nature, psychology and what it is to be human. I love to write poetry, draw and paint and can turn my hands to a number of crafts. I work full time in Clinical Research, so having a passion for traditional creative endeavours helps me unwind. I hope to help others find their creative souls through understanding themselves better and diving into creative pursuits to find that special something that brings joy and a sense of peace in a chaotic world.
A manageable programme
As Sue mentioned, the fact that we run our book writing programme over a year means it is manageable. There are no quick fixes when it comes to writing a book. We have all heard stories of people who write a book in a couple of weeks, but for most people, it is a long process, and one that we want to make sure we get right.

The community created through this programme has been incredible. It is impossible to know how something will pan out when you first start out with something like this, but despite our members being in different time zones and being different ages, personalities etc the sense of community and support has been really moving. Whenever someone is stuck or has an issue, everyone is there to support and encourage them.
Another member, Leona, mentioned us in her recent Substack article, so we wanted to share a section from that as we hope it might help you to understand more about this programme.
What Leona said about The Book Forge:
“A year ago, I found the Book Forge. And that childish dream resurfaced. It was a risk. Was I paying for something I wouldn’t have time to make the most of? Did I really have a book in me? I wasn’t even sure exactly what the book I might write would be about. But I felt compelled to try.
I took a leap. I signed up. And I’ve never looked back.
In the space of 10 months, I have gone from a vague dream to having a good three-quarters (at least) of my book written. My book. Yes, I can now say that I have a book. There is still a way to go, but Jen and Kate at Booksmith Academy have equipped me with all the tools I need and I have no doubt that this time I will complete it. And in the future, many more books too.
The specific details of what they do you can find out from their website. It’s a unique programme balancing all the technical knowledge you need as an author (from initial idea through to publication), alongside the physical and mental wellbeing aspects to keep you going and ensure you look after yourself.
More than that, I discovered a community. People like me with a dream. We were people at different stages of our lives, from all over the world with diverse experiences. But we found something in common and I know these fellow writers will continue to be friends long after the course has ended. Their support has been as valuable as the Book Forge’s workbooks, live sessions, guest speakers and individual advice.”
Leona Brown
Teacher by profession, writer by passion. Leona is a gifted writer and poet and shares her writing on her Substack, LeonaMarieWrites.
You can find Leona on:
Instagram: thedabblingwriter
TikTok: thedabblingwriter

We don’t like to brag…
You have probably gathered by now that we are really proud of everything we have achieved in the last year, and that isn’t easy for us to say (we become very British when it comes to shouting about our achievements!). When we hear feedback from our members like “this course has changed my life” and “I’m so grateful to you both for everything you have done for me this year” it makes you realise that what you have created is something really magical.
Have all our members finished their books? No, but then that was never the plan.
What they do have is everything they need to be able to complete their book when they are ready to, and, perhaps more importantly, a new family of writing friends who will not only support them as they complete their books, but be their biggest cheerleaders when their book is released into the world.
That is truly priceless.
If you want to know more about The BOOK FORGE, you can find out all the technical stuff on our homepage, or you can use the contact form or our social media to ask us questions directly. Applications are still open for our #BeMoreFlo Scholarship until 23rd September too, you can apply for that on our homepage too.